Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sick Chick

I have spent 99% of the last 48 hours in my bed. with no TV. doped up on benadryl. and it has sucked.

I have a hilacious sinus infection, worse than any I've had before. This one knocked me on my butt. I have zero energy, an itchy throat and nose, a headache and am very fatigued. I attempted to go to work yesterday morning, but it was strongly suggested that I leave. So I did. I felt that bad.

Fall is in full swing, and I can't help but blame my attack on the new found crispness in the air. &&& I love my husband because I came home to this. He sure knows how to make me feel better. :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm on a Roll

3 times in 1 week? Go Shannie, go Shannie!

I'm ready for fall. I'm bored with all of my summer clothes & I am itching to bust out sweaters, scarves, and Ugg boots. I have yet to get my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season. I'm waiting for the perfect "fall like" day.

Sooo here's my favorite fashion purchases for fall:
    • Over the knee boots
    • Clogs
    Long skirts

    • Denim vests

    • Fur vests
    • Jeggings

So there you have it; A preview into my closet for fall 2010. Some of these items (clogs/jeggings) were way out of my fashion comfort zone, but once I wore them I kinda fell in love. I pretty much live in my jeggings. No joke, I wear them almost every day.

&&& I love my husband because he doesn't question my wardrobe decisions... most of the time. He realizes that men do not get an opinion on women's fashion.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I should be embarassed

With the massive amount of television shows I try to keep up with. Seriously, it's a lot. I blame it on my husband's night classes and the simple fact that I come home to an empty home. Whatever the case. I.have.a.slight.problem.

Gossip Girl. What girl my age doesn't have a secret crush on Chuck Bass & Nate Archibald?!? Dancing with the Stars. I realize I am about 20 years too young to follow this show, but I like it. I'm a huge Derek Hough fan. 90210. I've been watching 90210 for as long as I can remember. I'm still not sure it lives up to the early 90's version, but it's all good.

One Tree Hill. Can I just be Brooke Davis when I grow up? For real though. Teen Mom. Guilty pleasure, check. Glee. As adorable as it gets. There's something oddly charming about Rachel Berry's self obsessed neurotic behavior. Biggest Loser. Although definitely not my favorite show on television, it's one of the few shows Chris and I will watch together.

America's Next Top Model. This is more of a "filler while I do housework" kind of show for me. Hellcats. It's like Bring It On on prime time tv. Of coursseeee I'd like it.

Greys. Every season I say I won't go back, but I do. The Office. My job has made me truly appreciate Michael Scott & Dunder Mifflin. Jersey Shore. My second guilty please. GTL!!

Say Yes to the Dress. I will forever be obsessed with weddings, especially wedding gowns. I swear when Codi gets married we ARE going to Kleinfelds if I have to drag her.

Keeping up with the Kardashians. I fell like Kim and I have a lot in common. Well, minus the whole sex tape thing.

As you can see, I am very busy keeping up with all of my television commitments. Thank God for dvr & the ability to turbo watch TV.

&&& I love my husband because he hasn't divorced me over my television obsession.... yet.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sittin' Waitin' Wishin'

I keep waiting to updated this until something either exciting or significant happens... Welp, I gave up. So here's an update on our semi-charmed, kinda boring, simplified life.

Last week was team building week at work. I went into it with a horrible attitude thinking I would hate every minute of it. I did. No, we didn't sit in a circle and sing Kumbaya like I feared, but we did talk about our goals, dream of the company's future, and discuss how we appreciate one another. Not exactly my cup of tea. But I survived & and with a smile on my face!

This past weekend was nice, but again, uneventful. Friday we ordered a pizza and I started watching season 1 of The Rachel Zoe Project. OBSESSED. Seriously & for real she rocks.

Saturday we went to the SMU tailgate and stayed just long enough for a couple beers and some free food. And it was time to replenish our collection of "SMU Law" cups. Chris said, "Drink as much as you can before we leave. We need more cups." He wasn't kidding.
Saturday night we went to Hacienda to watch Tech play UT and Sunday I cleaned my house and my puppies!
Chris has another job interview on October 8th, which just happens to be my 25th birthday. Him getting this job would be the best birthday present ever. EVER. I try not to think about it because when I do I start to get my hopes up, which I vowed never to do. Plus I don't want to jinx anything.
& this little cutie patootie got shaved.

&&& I love my husband because he graduates from SMU law in 237 days!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ever You'll Find us Loyal & True.

For the first time since we graduated (2 years ago May) we went back to an OSU football game. I forgot how much I missed that place. &&& nothing beats Stillwater on a game day.

Chris was keyed up Saturday morning. He was like a little kid on Christmas morning. I finally had to tell him, "Babe, chill. I know you're excited, but seriously calmmmm yourself." So we left Dallas around 9 ish on Saturday morning. We shot for 8, but that obviously didn't happen.

As we were driving to Oklahoma we got a call from the Joneses saying that they were also headed to Stillwater for the game. One of David's clients gave him last minute ticket, so they hopped in the car and headed to Stilly.

When we arrived we arrived we headed straight to tailgate. We got to hang out, drink beer, catch up with old friends, and just enjoy being back at our Alma mater. I can't imagine a better way to spend a Saturday.

We eventually met up with the Joneses, who offered for us to sit with them. Hmmm sit at our decent seats on the 20 yard line or sit with them on the 50. Tough decision... NOT!

The game was too close for comfort, but very enjoyable and exciting.

We ended up pulling into our a.p.t around 2:15 AM Sunday morning. Totally worth it....

I am already itching to go back. I can't get enough of Stillwater on game day.

&&& I love my husband because he too is an OSU grad, which I think is really cool. We were both raised in the Panhandle & graduated from the same university.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Eddie's Chocolate.

Eddie's Chocolate. Where do I start?

I guess with a little history. Growing up I spent a lot of summers/free time/holidays in Robert Lee, Texas at my Nena & Grandad's house. Each and every time I we had Eddie's Chocolate for breakfast. I am still not 100% certain why it's called "Eddie's" chocolate, but I'm guessing that somewhere along the way he "invented" the delicious breakfast.You know when you wake up at your grandparents and you are CERTAIN that you'll get to do something way cooler than what your parents let you do?!? Well ours was Eddie's Chocolate.

The ingredients: Sugar, Hershey's Cocoa, Milk, Butter & Bread.

The recipe: Melt sugar, cocoa & milk. Top with butter & dip bread in.

This is when most people's gag reflex kicks in. Chocolate & bread for breakfast? Yup, that's right & it's delicious. To this day I still make Eddie's Chocolate if I'm having a late night sweet attack. It always hits my spot. And how could our cabinets not be stocked with these very basic ingredients?

I can't wait to cook Eddie's Chocolate for my kids. I just hope they like it as much as me and my cousins do.
&&& I love my husband because he won't admit it, but he loves it too. He always sneaks a bite (or 2 or 12) of mine when I make it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's Been a Long Night in Dallas, too

John Mayer.... Oh how I love thee.

So this weekend my parents, Codi, and Derek flew up to D-F-Dub to eat, go to John Mayer, eat, and go to Six Flags. (For anyone who didn't know my family you'd think we were all big fat fatties considering how much I talk about us eating).
Highlight of the weekend: John Mayer. He is fabulous. I am obsessed & I might possibly leave my husband for him. I'd forgotten how much I love his music. I love his old stuff, his new stuff, and I love the stuff that isn't even his that he covers. He's that good.
I feel like he had a tremendous appreciation for his fans. Which makes me like him even more. I also liked that he liked what he was doing. He seemed like he was having the time of his life on that stage. He was 100% in his element.

&&& I love my husband because he too can play guitar. He's no John, but he can definitely rock it out.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

One Day at a Time...

As I've said many, many, times before this phase of our lives is really, due to lack of a better adjective, odd. By odd I mean we are married, but have no kids. We are out of college, but we Chris is still in law school. We aren't "old" but we definitely aren't college kids. It's just weird.

So I often times find myself putting the cart in front of the horse. If it was up to me I'd have our entire life mapped out on a sequential timeline and strategically placed on our refrigerator door. Control freak much? I find comfort in knowing the future. I like the reassurance that we have goals & I like the feeling it gives me when I succeed.

This phase of our life doesn't allow me to do that. Although I think I know where we will be in a year, I don't put too much faith in that. I mean, we changed where Chris was going to attend law school AT LEAST 3 times before he settled on SMU, so who's to say we won't do the same when he's offered a job?!?

I'd love to just sit down and plan out our entire lives on a calendar and submit it to God for "final review." He must really be chuckling as I write this. Sometimes my need for control overwhelms my submission to God. I forget that HE is in charge, not me. And the plans He has for me are far greater than anything I could come up with.

I pray that God gives me an open heart. I pray that God breaks down my plans and replaces them with his own. I pray that he break down the guard in my heart.

&&& I love my husband because I feel like he is unknowingly leading me closer to Christ.