Monday, June 28, 2010

Until Next Time.& How awesome my grandparents are

We got up bright & early our last day there. We decided to play hard, since it was our last day in Paradise. Codi was also in the mood for a mini photo shoot today, so there's a lot of photos. So after breacky (aka breakfast) we headed straight to the beach.

Grandad's other other girlfriend. He was quite the "Ladys Man" on our trip. He made friends with any/everyone he met. He's such a likeable guy.
& this dude was busy watching the US play, so he missed out on our Saturday morning at the beach.I love how happy my grandad is about life.
& last, but not least, the best nail polish ever. Sold only in ABC stores.
I am so so so thankful to have these 2 as my grandparents. They are such an amazing couple, and serve as an excellent example of what a marriage should be. They are grateful for their time with their kids, grand kids, and most of all each other. They value life more than anyone I've ever met & cherish each day they have. That was the whole reason behind this trip. Nena and grandad wanted "all their chickens in the same basket."
During rush week my junior year of college my grandad got very, very sick. He was in the hospital for 6 weeks & for a while there we were unsure if he would make it. After switching doctors, hospitals, and finding a new medication that actually worked, grandad slowly got better. He still has set backs from his illness (he lost 3 of his fingers & 1 toe, he becomes short of breath very easily, and he can only walk a short distance due to his bad hip), but he always has the best demeanor. I am thankful for everyday that he is in my life.

"Everyday is a good day, some days are just better than others" --my grandad.

&&& I love my husband because he was hell bent on watching the US play soccer in Hawaii. He even drug Dr. Dad to the sports bar to watch with him.

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