Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hawaii!!! Part Uno.

We got home early (7:30 AM) Sunday morning & I have been in a slight state of depression even sense. I had the time of my life. Seriously. It was such a fabulous vacation, one that will be forever embedded in my heart.

Here's a breakdown of the trip w/ photos.

Mom & Codi arrived after work Friday. We had a totally "Girls Night." We shopped Northpark, ate at PF Chang's & saw Sex and The City 2.
Nene, Grandad, & Dad all arrived Saturday. & Dr. Dad bough us all some cute Toms. (matching footwear is a Demere traveling tradition--odd? maybe.) We were craving Mexican food, so we took them to one of our favorite spots, Glorias.
We left Dallas around 11 AM Sunday.

& We arrived in Honolulu around 2 PM.

& headed straight to the beach!

After a little happy hour

We headed out to supper

At Cheeseburger in Paradise

&&& I love my husband because he got a spray tan so he could be tan like the rest of the Demeres. Unfortunately they used the keratin based spray and he turned out orange. Poor Chrissy.

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