Monday, March 15, 2010

Name Game!

We are officially at the age where I think about having kids all the time. Many of our married friends are popping up pregnant, Liz and Eric are openly trying, our church class broke off into "babies" and "Non Babies" and Mitch and Lacey already have 2 little ones. We are surrounded by babies.

In result of all the "babiness" in our life I think about kids all the time. I have our future children named & their nurseries decorated. There's even a file in my email entitled "kids." I love gettin on Etsy and looking at all the fun baby girl things. Yes, I am certain that I am going to have 3 girls. Something inside me just tells me to "be prepared" for girls, and lots of them.

So in my curiosity I googled "baby name generator" Here's what it said I should name my first child:

Laurel Maggie Jones

I think it's kinda cute...
Too bad my real baby names are on top secret lock down .
&&& I love my husband because someday he will be a great daddy

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