As I was sitting in traffic this morning listening to my "Cross Canadian" station on Pandora when the song "Everclear" popped started playing. Oh how that song. You know when you hear a song and it just makes you have all these happy/fun memories? Well this is that song for me. It reminds me of college, which reminds me of OSU, which reminds me of Stillwater.
Stillwater; I seriously love that town.
I miss driving down the never ending Highway 51. I miss Greek Row and the Kappa house and how ALL of my best friends lived under 1 roof. I miss walking to class and passing Theta Pond on a daily basis. I miss all the fun country music that we'd see at the Tumbleweed. I miss all the crazy nights at Wally's and 804 Connell. I miss walking boomer and having heart to hearts with good friends. I miss gamedays. NOTHING beats Stillwater on a gameday. I miss burning multiple dinners during couples nights at our Westbrook apartment with Collin & Whit.
Bid Day 2007
I look back on my college experience with great fondness. It was such an awesome time in my life. I met lifelong friends, got a good degree, married my best friend, and had a whole lot of fun. What more could I ask for??
Evidence of all the fun had...
&&& I love my husband because he loved Greek life as much as I did.
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