Monday, February 8, 2010


Near the end of the evening... fist pump!!

The boys

Symphony Ball was this weekend & man oh man did we have a great time! This year's theme was Rio de Janiero Carnaval, which meant lots of bright fun decor, jugglers, men on stilts, casino games, and samba music!

This year the ball had a casino area with a couple blackjack tables, craps, and roulette. As the night was coming to an end Chris & I had blown through nearly all of our chips so we decided to go "all in" on roulette. I walked up to the table, placed our last chip on "24" (because it's how old we are), and WON. It's 1/1000 odds. We were ecstatic (even though we didn't actually win anything but multiple drawing entries). So when they announced that it was "last call" at the casino tables I tried my hand at roulette once more... and WON! I have played roulette 2 times in my life (both on Saturday) and correctly guessed the number both times. I think it is safe to say that my gambling career peaked on Saturday, hince my official retirement.

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