Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Storms.

Growing up in West Texas I should be accustomed to tornadoes. The weather service issues tornado warning in Potter/Randall county pretty frequently during the spring and summer months. This should be second nature to me; I should be calm, cool, and collected when a warning is issued. I am not. I revert back to my childhood, whining and worrying until the possible threat has passed.

I think all my fear comes from when Chris and I had when we were 18 years old back in Amarillo. We were eating at Zookinis on Coulter (when it still existed) when the tornado sirens went off. Chris, being the bargain hunter he is, was not leaving until he got another plate of food. We had paid for an "all you can eat buffet", and by God he was going to eat another plate of food. By the time we left the resteraint it was hailing softball sized hail (and I had just gotten my new car... hail damage still there today). We drove as quickly as possible to Chris's parents' house to seek shelter. I remember being at a stoplight at Coulter and 45th and glancing to my right and seeing the tornado ON THE GROUND. Given, it was a good ways away but it still scared the crud out of me. Hence, my fear of severe weather.

Last night as Chris and I were watching "Fired Up" (very funny movie) I heard the sirens go off. Panic overwhelmed me.

My first thought was, "Crap. Where do we go? We are new to this apartment and I have no clue where to go if a tornado really DOES hit."

My second thought was to turn on the TV and see where these possible storms were located. 1 problem, we still have no cable.

Needles to say we are fine. No tornado in our area. We went a little while without power and it stormed into the wee hours of the morning, but nothing too bad.

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