Friday, June 5, 2009

Movin' on Up!

This past Saturday Chris and I had plans to talk with our apartment manager and see about renewing our lease for another year. While I was researching comparable apartments in our area I came across an advertisement for our current complex offering 2 months free rent. 2 MONTHS!! I immediately thought to myself, "We HAVE to get some sort of deal."
Turns our that we couldn't get the deal if we stayed in our current apartment, but we COULD get the deal if we moved. One thing lead to another and we made an impulse move to a bigger apartment. It is slightly more expensive, but definitely worth it . It includes an extra bedroom, an extra bathroom, an extra closet (this was a biggie), an upstairs master suite, and a fireplace! It was too good to pass up.
We have one dilemma: The extra room. For me, the obvious choice is to make it a guest bedroom. We have friends and family visiting often enough that an extra bedroom would be an excellent addition to our new home. Chris feels the opposite. He feels that 80% of the time it is just he and I, so the room would go unused. He prefers that we make it into a dining room so that we would be able to entertain friends.

The debate goes on... bedroom vs. dining room.

EXTRA: Summer Wreath ... made by yours truly.

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