Monday, October 11, 2010

Manic Monday at its Finest

We rolled back into Dallas a little before midnight last night. With it being so late we decided to just leave the Pathfinder at the airport an extra night & leave the house extra early in the morning to pick it up. Chris could take me on his way to work and I'd go to work directly from the airport. Good plan.


When Chris dropped me off this morning I realized that my keys were in my other purse. That is such a "Chris Jones" move.

So I texted my boss that I will be late, which I absolutely hate doing. I am fairly certain she thought I was fibbing. All I got back was an, "Ok!"

20 minutes later I make it back to the apt, get my keys, and we head back to Love Field. Chris and I decided to switch cars because both of ours were on low fuel, but his had slightly more gas than mine. So I would take the Honda to work. It had just enough gas to get me to work, which was all I cared about it.

We also decided to switch parking garage stubs since I had cash to cover the parking for the Pathfinder & the Honda would be free since we were in the garage for under 20 minutes. (I was in the Honda w/ the Pathfinder's parking stub & he was in the Pathfinder with the Honda's parking stub). I paid my $30 at the gate & headed on to work. Later on I found out that they tried to charge Chris $30 too. They claimed that they operate off of license plates & not the stubs. Ok.. so then why issue the stubs? After debating with the woman, Chris told her he was absolutely not paying another $30. She let him go.

When I finally made it to work (20 minutes late) Chris called to tell me that his house keys were still in the Honda... which is with me. Thankfully he can borrow the spare key from our apartment office.

&&& I love my husband because he can get stuff taken care of (parking stub issue) when necessary.

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