Monday, July 19, 2010

Home Alone Day 1

Thanks to the lovely Southwest travel voucher they gave me for losing my pilot, I got to fly back from Amarillo last night. I don't think I could've driven back to Dallas by myself. Well, I probably could have, but I'm fairly certain it would have resulted in me crying and feeling sorry for myself the whole way back to Dallas.

So I'm on day 1 of "Home Alone." I got in around 10:30 last night. It was dark, and somehow walking through my parking garage alone was way scarier than usual. I made Chris stay on the phone with me until I was safely locked away in my bedrooms with all the lights and TV on.

I was most worried about my alarm not going off. In the past I'd always used my cell as my alarm; until my cell volume stopped working. Since then I've just relied on Chris to set the bedside alarm clock for me. I realized last night that I don't know how to work the alarm clock. Chris walked me through it & I got it set , but I woke up about 10 times in the middle of the night worrying that I'd oversleep.

2 more nights alone and Juju and Koki get here!

&&& I love my husband because he was genuinely worried about leaving me in Dallas alone. He's already called 3 times this morning to check on me.

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