Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Crazies

This weekend I went out to finish up my Christmas shopping... & I immediately regretted my decision. This time of year brings out the crazies in everyone. Stress levels are high, time is running low, and patients are worn thin, hence the Christmas crazies.

One of my best Christmas crazies stories was from last year:

It was the week before Christmas & Chris & I were just wrapping up some shopping at Northpark. As we walked down the isle in search of my car, I realized that a car was following us. It was super crowded and spots, especially the good ones, were hard to come by... they wanted our spot. So I turned around and pointed to the direction of our car, to ensure they were able to get it.

As we approached our car another SUV drove up behind us and a young SMU girl jumped out. She then went and stood at the hood of my car, waiting for us to back up. I was thinking, what the heck is this chick doing? As we we pulled out she proceeded to stand in the middle of the spot.

About this time the nice little mother/son duo that we promised our spot to pulled up. As they did the girl yelled, "This spot is saved." She stood there & stood there until finally her friend pulled up in the SUV & the mother/son left defeated.

This whole situation spurred a debate between Chrisand I:
Is this ok or not?
Either way, it was entertaining.

Merry Christmas from the Joneses.

&&& I love my husband becase... he knows when to stand up for himself and when to just let it go... something I should learn from.

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